Selling Is My Life

Selling Is My Life

 Selling Is My Life. 

Selling Is My Life

Author Name: Arvind Upadhyay | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

I don't know about the Almighty, but if there's one thing that I do know that is omnipresent, it's Sales. Either you're selling something, or you're getting sold to. Every action or every motivation is sales. It starts from the moment you got old enough to understand a language. Whenever you didn't study as a kid, your parents probably promised to buy you something if you got good marks. It was a negotiation that happened between your mom/dad and you. They were selling an idea to you. Think about the last time you went for an interview, college or job. Did you not sell your skills to the recruiter? Did you not 'pitch' your thoughts and ideas to him/her? It also holds true for your social life. You wanted to impress *THAT* guy/girl, so you put up a version of yourself you thought would attract that particular person, you presented your USPs. Weren't you selling yourself then? You were, weren't you? You were the one who was selling and the interviewer/your crush was the one getting sold to.

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